Nick Valente
Nick Valente
Digital Marketing
Experience & Credentials
2011 - 2024
Social Media Assoc Director
During my years working at Verizon I managed a $30M social media marketing budget for Verizon Wireless. I later led social media governance and started and managed a successful employee advocacy program.
2007 - 2011
GM for The Speaker Company
D&M Holdings
Started and managed a mid-tier only loudspeaker brand for D&M holdings, then parent company of Denon, Marantz and McIntosh, premium audio products. Successes included leading all business aspects including product, digital marketing customer service and technical
2003 - 2005
GM for RapidFax
EasyLink Services
Started and managed an online fax business. From managing programing teams, marketing and product development, my team built a product that was successfully sold after only 2 years​
1987 -2003
Through a 16 year career at AT&T, I led all aspects of AT&T web properties as the VP of e-commerce for 7 years and Director of sales and marketing for Natural Voices, a text to speech product that laid the foundation to many of the smart devices we all use today.
Stevens Institute of Technology, NJ
Masters of Technology Management
A truly great institution that allowed me to further enhance my passions, technology, marketing and business management.
Montclair State University, NJ
BA in Humanities
I studied the connections between multiple disciplines, building a strong foundation of looking at challenges from multiple angles. This expanded view of the world has served me well throughout the years.
& Expertise
Strategic Planning
Social Media Employee Advocacy
Digital Advertising
Social Media Management & Gover
Content Strategy