New year, new goals. Here are 6 social media goals I have in mind for 2016, what are yours?
Be more human. Don’t talk like a salesperson or a political partisan. No one cares. Once you go to “that place” most people stop listening. Tell a story people can relate too instead.
Be passionate. Yes, you can be passionate without breaking the first goal. You just have to try harder and think about your approach. I didn’t say these were easy goals.
Show compassion & empathy. This goal makes the first two goals much easier. No one knows what others are going through. Whether dealing with a customer, a relative, friend or a customer service rep on Facebook, be nice. I don’t need more on this one, right?
Understand your audience better. Not just the demographic of the people who follow you or you paid to reach, but what they really think about you or your company. In short; listen more.
Set trends. It’s safer and easier to share the same old stuff on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Whether for yourself or your company find new ways to share your thoughts. Sing, dance, write, draw and wax poetic. Lead with conviction, don’t just follow.
Create more content. So hopefully I sent this last goal up with goal #5. I meant “literally” sing, dance, write, draw and wax poetic. Bring new, relatable content with passion, empathy and understanding to your social table in 2016.
So, those are my goals and suggestions for a more successful and fulfilling social effort in 2016. What are yours?
Happy New Year