Google, in an effort to get rid of spam sites known as content farms changed their famous algorithm in an effort to deliver better results for their customers. This is a good idea for almost everyone, unless of course you run a content farm. One famous site, which aggregates content from multiple places suffered heavy traffic losses and laid off 10% of their workers. Even if your website is a model citizen of the search world your SERP results may have been affected. Good or bad it would be a good idea to check your rankings because some sites actually went up. Makes sense right? If some sites went down then something had to take their place and that someone may have been you.
Check your rank today. If you don’t have the luxury of an SEO firm to tell you how your traffic is doing consider a free tool like Rank Checker from SEOBook it requires Fireworks to run but will give you a good idea where you rank for your important keywords. As they say, you can’t fix what you can’t measure. You can read Google’s blog post here.