Everyone talks about how hard it is to optimize their websites. No one has the time or the ideas as to what do without adding additional resources to call bloggers and other websites to get them to write about your product or service. Yet it is amazing how many websites, large and small don’t use RSS feeds.
What is RSS?
RSS feeds or Real Simple Syndication allows anyone to follow your website updates on their terms. No email sign up and it is automatically delivered to their choice of media; email, RSS reader, Google/Yahoo! home page etc.
Why RSS feeds are important
From both an SEO and a Social Media standpoint, getting people to write about your product or service should be your number one goal. The more mentions you get the better. Getting the attention of bloggers and evangelists should be at the top of your list. The problem is they usually don’t have time to visit your site 3 times a week to see what you’re up to. RSS feeds make it easy for others to follow your latest press release or blog post with practically no effort. While it is true that most blogs use no-follow, negating any SEO value, the link alone could be worth a great deal on a blog that gets 10-20 thousand visits a month.
RSS feeds are easy to setup and use
The best part about RSS feeds are they are easy to set up and automatically do the distribution work for you. They save you valuable time & money and more importantly, they work for you with little effort on your part.
Check to see if you’re sites lack RSS feeds and leaving valuable traffic on the table