Most brands have no idea who they are. Yes, they know they know what they sell and usually what problem it solves for their customers. But many have no idea who they are or what they stand for.
Why is it important to STAND for something?
As I learned a young salesperson, people want to buy things from people they like. In fact they will often go out of their way to purchase things from them. The same thing applies to companies. Giving consumers another reason to purchase from you beyond the problem your product solves helps you build the emotional connection that is difficult to break, even when price is involved.
How to find your pedestal
The harder part is to identify what your pedestal to stand one looks like, and how to build it. Sometimes it’s driven by your CEO, sometimes it’s driven by the types of employees your company attracts, and sometimes it comes from your consumers if you’re willing to ask them. All three are valid ways to find your path to brand love. What you land on matters less than understanding how to start and live your journey.
Step by Step Instructions toward Brand Love
Understand yourself, your employees and your customers. Why do you do what you do? Why do your employees want to work for you and why do your customers want to buy from you?
Understand this discovery process will be painful and often lead to conflict within the C Suite and beyond but that it will be worth it.
Chart your journey and be patient. It won’t happen overnight and you’ll need a map to get you there. Know your destination and the steps you’ll need to take to get there.
Know that you’ll make some enemies along the way. When you speak out for something, even the most noble of causes, someone will be there to tear you down. Don’t despair, you’ll be a better company in the long run.
Never stop. Remind your employees why they come to work. Look for other companies to partner with in your goals. Remind your customers who you are and be proud of it.
Building brand love is not something you can simply “wish” into existence or purchase with media dollars. It’s something you find through discovery, nurture and perseverance.
Nick Valente is a social media leader at Verizon Wireless. This article is his opinion alone and does not reflect the views of his employer.