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When Not to Use the Facebook Like Button

Writer: roxburynickroxburynick

There is no doubt that the Facebook like button can help your social media efforts. However there are times when it is not the best choice for your site.

B2C vs B2B Sites

Facebook Like buttons work great for B2C sites, especially sites that have popular products, or products that have an emotional attachment for the consumer. If you have a B2B product or service, a Like button may not work very well.

On the June 15th  “This Week In Google“, a show that talks about Google and the Cloud, host Leo Laporte and guest Danny Sullivan from Search Engine Land, lamented on how the Facebook Like buttons get very few clicks on their industry related business sites. They seems very perplexed and seemed to feel bad about it.

Consumers Like, Business People InShare

While consumers are using the Like button in droves, business people don’t.  I propose this is simply because business people, myself included, don’t want to bore their friends and family with business stuff they like, but do want to share it with their industry peers.

Observational Data

Of the several blogs I write for, including this one, I’ve seen this exact behavior. Look at the posts on All the social sharing is either on LinkedIn or Twitter. There may not be a single Facebook like. (feel free to do so though!)  I’ve seen the same thing on the other B2B sites I write for. All LinkedIn. On the other hand the consumer sites have no LinkedIn and are all Facebook Like.

Recommendations for Business Social Sharing

If you have a B2B site or blog, be sure to have a LinkedIn button and promote your content via it and Twitter. Things to do:

  1. Get your InShare buttons here

  2. Set up your LinkedIn account to automatically post your blog posts

  3. Talk about your blog posts in appropriate LinkedIn forums

  4. Use hashtags and Bio on Twitter, it does help.

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